- Proverbs from the Ndebele Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Ndebele Tribe Zimbabwe

A snake is not to be followed when it is in its hole .

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The one who refuses to be told learns by the flow of blood.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A snake is not to be hit when its head is not seen.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

No two bulls ever bellowed in one cattle kraal.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

What has horns, can not be hidden in a sack.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

We will meet where there are no bird cries.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

He ate the food then the food ate him.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Ignorance is worse than death.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The one who does it to himself is not cried over, it's the one to whom it is done who receives the sympathy.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 


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You tread on a snake's tail.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

You collect a piece of firewood on which there is a scorpion.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

King Tshaka is at home.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

You will be gathered by the darkness.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The vultures are hovering for you.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

All (sheep) get blamed through (the wrong of) one.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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