- Proverbs from the Shona Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Shona Tribe of Zimbabwe 

When a drum begins to play a higher pitch it's about to break

Shona Tribe Proverb

Water that can be spoilt can also be purified

Shona Tribe Proverb

A naughty cripple will dance while balancing by the wall

Shona Tribe Proverb

Only tease the handicapped after death.

Shona Tribe Proverb

Big mountains pass on the mist to each other.

Shona Tribe Proverb

Is it not pride, when those who live in the mountains ask those on the ground for cornerstones?

Shona Tribe Proverb

To climb a mountain you must go up round the mountain

Shona Tribe Proverb

Behind the grave there is no prayer

Shona Tribe Proverb

No matter how thorough a crow bathes, it is black

Shona Tribe Proverb

my african roots
African Hustler
Hangover "Babalas" Mug

A wasp may be crooked, but it has the motivation.

Shona Tribe Proverb

A fool who asks is good

Shona Tribe Proverb

An offer comes from where another comes.

Shona Tribe Proverb

A big group of mice won't leave traces

Shona Tribe Proverb

A prince is a slave when far from his kingdom.

Shona Tribe Proverb

A small bird may fend for food in the husks whilst its heart is in the grain

Shona Tribe Proverb

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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