About Bulawayo City
Council |
The City of Bulawayo in terms of the Law is run by an
Executive Mayor elected on the basis of universal
suffrage and a Council made up of representatives
elected on a Ward (Constituency) based system. |
The Ministry of Local Government has
regulatory functions in relation to certain aspects
of policy and management of the City. In this regard
Central Government can suspend and dismiss elected
Councilors for maladministration or for conduct
inconsistent with the law and appoint a Commission
instead. |
The City Council is at liberty to impose such taxes and
charges as it deems fit and in this connection derives
most of its revenue from land and property based taxation
.The only exception is in relation to taxes and charges
levied upon the low income-high density residential areas.
With respect to these areas, the Mayor has to certify that
the local communities have been consulted through their
councilors on the proposed taxes and charges. Secondly,
the Minister responsible for local government has to
approve the taxes and charges in the form of By-laws.
In the process of preparing
local plans, the affected communities are consulted at
the research stage is surveys and through their elected
representatives. Secondly, Council’s intentions are
advertised, as a legal requirement in the Paper widely
circulating in the communities. Similarly, consultations
are held with persons most likely to be affected by a
particular development prior to the granting of
specified town planning permits.
The right for citizens to be consulted
is enshrined in existing legislation such as the
Regional Town and Country Planning Act where it is
compulsory for a local authority to put it local and
master plans on public deposit before they can be
adopted. All municipal contracts are as a matter of
policy placed on public tender. Any services which
have to be negotiated over are done so with the
approval of full council meeting. The Bulawayo City
Council headquarters are housed at the same venue as
the Bulawayo City Hall. |