- Suburbs of Bulawayo: Names and meanings-

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The suburb names of Bulawayo City, Zimbabwe: Their meaning and source
Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe. The beauty of the wide, tree-lined streets and suburban lawns can make one overlook the history and culture that has been embraced in the naming of the suburbs of the city. From Lobengula's Bulawayo, through the Rhodesia Bulawayo and finally settling down on the present day Zimbabwean Bulawayo, the city suburb names embrace a rich historic culture and nature.  The suburb names and their derivation have been listed below.

Suburb Name Derivation
Ascot Adjoining the Bulawayo Ascot race-course
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Suburb Name Derivation
Barbour Fields  The suburb was named after a former Mayor, H. R. Barbour. A mayor who during the colonial era, was greatly interested in the welfare of the indigenous people.
Barham Green  The suburb was named after two people. The first was a former Bulawayo City Councillor [ who later became an Alderman] Mrs. M. E. Barham, M.B.E. and the other was Rev. Rufus Green. The two people were critical in the establishment of this suburb. During the colonial Rhodesia era, the suburb was designated for the Coloured Community
Beacon Hill Also known as Beryl Drive, reference is made to fact that it is the High Point of the suburbs and possess the areas with the highest marking beacon at its summit.
Belmont Industrial area The area was named after a former Bulawayo City Engineer, Mr. Kinmont
Bellevue  The suburb was named after estate name.
Belmont  we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Bradfield  The suburb was named after Mr Edwin Eugene Bradfield, a pioneer.
Burnside  This area used used to be a portion of former town Council area, used be part of Matsheumhlope Farms. Name is derived from the reference to a river.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Cement This was named after the surrounding industrial area, responsible for the making of Cement. 
Cowdray Park we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Donnington we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Donnington West we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Douglasdale we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Eloana we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Emakhandeni Emakhandeni is the isiNdebele name for Fort Rixon, which was the area where the regiment, aMakhanda were located. eMakhandeni is the locative term
Emganwini Reference is made to the plentiful Amarula trees in the vicinity.
Enqameni we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Enqotsheni we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Entumbane This is place where King Mzilikazi was buried.
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City Hall tshirt
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Suburb Name Derivation
Fagadola we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Famona The suburb was named after, Famona, one of the  daughters of King Lobengula of the Matebele kingdom.
Fortunes Gate (Including Mtaba Moya) The suburb name comes from the original property name, and gates are those of the original Market Building.
Four Winds The suburb name comes from the original property name, the first house was on top of a hill.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Glencoe we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Glengarry The suburb was named after its estate name.
Glenville (Including Richmond South) The suburb was named after its estate name.
Granite Park we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Greenhill The suburb name comes from the reference to scenery and topography.
Gwabalanda Named after one of Ndebele chiefs, Gwabalanda Mathe
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Suburb Name Derivation
Harrisvale we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Helenvale we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Highmount we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Hillcrest The suburb name comes from the reference to topography.
Hillside The suburb name comes from the reference to topography.
Hillside South The suburb name comes from the reference to position of Hillside
Hume Park we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Hyde Park we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Ilanda Egret
Iminyela The name of the type of tree common in that area.
Intini we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
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Suburb Name Derivation
Jacaranda Reference is made to the Jacarand trees
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Suburb Name Derivation
Kelvin (Industrial area, includes North East and West) The area was named in reference to a suburb of Glasgow
Kenilworth The suburb was named after its estate name.
Kilallo we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Killarney we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Kingsdale we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Kumalo The suburb was named after the Royal Clan of the Matabele 
Kumalo North Reference to the position of Kumalo Suburb
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Suburb Name Derivation
Lakeside Lakeside  was/is the stretch of water at the junction of the Old Essexvale Road and the road  to the  suburb of Waterford, and then onto Hope Fountain Mission
Lobengula Named after the second Matabele King, Lobengula
Lobenvale The suburb name is derived from a combination of King Lobengula's name and Umguza Valley
Lochview The suburb name is in reference to Lakeside Dam
Luveve named after chief luveve
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Suburb Name Derivation
Mabutweni The suburb name means “where the soldiers are”, the name was given in reference to a bachelor quarters.
Magwegwe The suburb name is named after Magwegwe, who was one of the significant people in King Lobengula's royal Bulawayo town.
Magwegwe North Reference to the position relative to that of Magwegwe.
Magwegwe West Reference to the position relative to that of Magwegwe.
Makokoba The suburb got its name from the actions of Mr. Fallon, who used walk around with a stick. The name comes from the word "umakhokhoba" which was the locals referred to Fallon as, meaning “the little old man who walks with a stick” . The word actually describes the noise of the stick hitting the ground ko-ko-ko or the doors.
Mahatshula Mahatshula is named after one of the Ndebele Indunas. This induna's name was Mahatshula Ndiweni
Malindela The suburb was named after the mother of Faluta, who was the mother of Lobengula i.e. named after Lobengula's maternal grandmother.
Manningdale Named after of the developer suburb
Marlands we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Matsheumhlope The name comes from the association with river (“White Stones”). White stones in Ndebele or Zulu language are amatshe amhlope.
Matshobana The suburb was named after Matshobana, who was a chief of the Khumalo clan and more significantly he was the father of Mzilikazi, the founder of the Ndebele Kingdom.
Montrose The suburb was named by the Estate Developers and Street names are of many Cotswold Villages and towns.
Montgomery named after General Montgomery a decorated British Army commander 
Morningside we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Mpopoma The name comes from a descriptive Ndebele name for the area, which was derived from the sound the Mpopoma river makes when flowing.
Munda we are still looking for it, if you know it you can submit it here.
Mzilikazi Suburb was named after the first and founder Matebele King, Mzilikazi.
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More Suburb Names (from N-Z)
More suburb names and their derivation are available here i.e (from N-Z)
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Bulawayo History
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